Animated Soviet Propaganda / Propaganda Sovietica animata

(EN) I run into this great long documentary (here’s  3 and 4) about soviet propaganda. It’s full of animated shorts starting from the twenties but also interviews with some directors still alive. One of the first one was written by Vladimir Mayakovsky who was sent to Cuba where  US corporation run the business of sugar and tobacco. He wrote  poem with his experience called Black and White and his drawings were used to produce an animated movie depicting fat priests and white business men enslaving cubans. Propaganda today is still alive and kicking in many other contests and this documentary it’s a good starting point to its strategies and how they evolved. —————— (IT) Mi sono imbattuta in questo sorprendente lungo documentario (qui trovate la parte  3 e 4) sulla propaganda sovietica. Non si tratta dei soliti poster ma di una serie di corti animati creati a partire dagli anni ’20 insieme ad alcune interviste sia ai registi ancora viventi,

read more Animated Soviet Propaganda / Propaganda Sovietica animata

We are living in exponential times / Viviamo in tempi esponenziali

(EN) It’s estimated that a week worth of New York Times contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18th century. This kind of data you can find displayed in the last version of “Did you Know?” infographic video by Karl Fisch. ————– (IT) Si è calcolato che leggendo una settimana di New York Times si ha accesso a una quantità tale di informazioni che una persona del 18° secolo assorbiva nell’intera vita. Questo tipo di dati  lo puoi trovare nell’ultima versione del video infografico “Did you know?” di Karl Fisch.